Top Trails Now Open on Wednesdays!

Talladega, AL – Top Trails OHV Park, Alabama’s premier off-road destination, is thrilled to announce new Wednesday hours. The park will now be open every Wednesday for riding, rentals, and camping, giving customers the opportunity to make the most of mid-week with some off-road fun. This 2,800-acre park is home to over 100 miles [...]

2023-02-27T16:03:56-06:00February 27th, 2023|Park News|

UPDATED: Spring Mud Jam 2022 Special Event Rules and Regulations

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR SPRING MUD JAM 2022 Presented by Mountain Motorsports: ARRIVING AT Spring Mud Jam: IF YOU PURCHASED TICKETS ONLINE HAVE YOUR TICKET READY TO DISPLAY FOR SCANNING! We highly suggest taking a screen-shot of your tickets prior to your arrival as cellular service may have limited reception on the [...]

2022-04-28T19:18:12-05:00April 27th, 2022|Park News|

Kam’s Ride 2022 Hillclimb Rules and Regulations

Hill-climb action returns at Top Trails with Southern Bounty Series! This year we’re putting a $16,000 bounty on 5-Hills. Catch the high-flying action as drivers put their machine to the test on the 5-Hills competition course to score the best time and take home the prize. A huge thank you to SBS for teaming [...]

2022-03-03T11:16:32-06:00February 28th, 2022|Park News|

Championship Mud Fest 2021 – Special Event Rules and Regulations

Get Ready for Championship Mud Fest! As with all of our big events, more people in the park means we have to be prepared and ready for our load-in/check-in process and aware of some unique regulations for the weekend. Here’s What You Need To Know… Please review our full Park Rules at: UNLIMITED [...]

2021-10-20T15:57:46-05:00October 20th, 2021|Park News|

UPDATED: Kam’s Ride 2021 Special Event Rules and Regulations

Get Prepared For Kam's Ride! As with all of our big events, more people in the park means we have to be prepared and ready for our load-in/check-in process and aware of some unique regulations for the weekend. Here’s What You Need To Know… ARRIVING AT KAM'S RIDE: IF YOU PURCHASED TICKETS ONLINE HAVE [...]

2021-03-18T10:58:59-05:00March 18th, 2021|Park News|